Can You Eat with Dentures?

The simple answer is yes! Although there is a learning curve if you are a first-time denture user or are using new dentures, with proper adjustment and practice, most denture wearers can enjoy a wide variety of foods comfortably.

While there may be some initial challenges, many find that eating with dentures becomes second nature over time.

On this page

What Can You Eat With Dentures?

What Food Should You Avoid With Dentures?

How to Eat With Dentures

Common Concerns & Solutions

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What Can You Eat With Dentures?

Your dentures are designed to function similarly to teeth, so with practice, you should be able to eat most — if not all — of your favorite foods. However, when you first get your dentures, eating soft foods can ease the learning curve and make your dentures feel more adjusted to your mouth muscles, and will get you some eating practice with them.

Some of the soft foods that are recommended to start trying with your dentures while you are getting adjusted are:

  • Soup
  • Applesauce
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Oatmeal
  • Yogurt or cottage cheese
  • Poached, broiled, stewed, or canned fish or chicken
  • Pudding or gelatin
  • Potatoes
  • Rice or pasta

What Food Should You Avoid With Dentures?

You should be cautious about hard or sticky foods altogether while you learn how to eat with dentures, some examples of the foods you should avoid are:

  • Sticky or hard foods such as gum*, sticky candy, and nuts.
  • Crunchy or hard foods such as pretzels, crackers, corn on the cob, and apples.
  • Foods with small seeds like strawberries.
  • Well-done beef (or any other meat that is stringy or tough)

*There are several brands of gum that are designed for people who wear dentures. Please consult with your dentist if this is something you would like to try.

How to Eat with Dentures

Adjusting to the feeling and pressure of your dentures in your mouth as you chew will take time.

The only major difference between eating with your dentures and your natural teeth is that, when eating with dentures, you’ll need to chew with both sides of your mouth at the same time. When chewing with natural teeth, most people tend to favor one side over the other, but that can loosen your dentures over time.

Tips for Eating with Dentures for the First Time

  • Take it easy! Tenderness and soreness are normal as your mouth gets adjusted, so be sure to treat yourself kindly and start slow and soft.
  • Test your food’s temperature on your lips before eating: Dentures can affect your perception of temperature, due to the insulation the material provides, so be wary of foods or liquids that are too hot.
  • Cut food into smaller pieces or take smaller bites: Bite-sized pieces to make it easier to chew and swallow.
  • Avoid spicy foods: Early on in your adjustment period, you may find that your gums get a little sore or irritated. Spicy food will irritate those spots further.
  • Make sure you’re using the right adhesive: for maximum comfort. And be sure to talk to your dentist before switching brands.
  • Practice good oral hygiene: Make sure to clean your dentures and your gums regularly. Remove your dentures at night to give your gums a chance to rest and prevent irritation.

Common Concerns and Solutions With New Dentures

While navigating the denture learning curve, common concerns will come up as you start getting used to your dentures. Some of these typical concerns are:

  • Dentures Slipping: Properly fitted dentures should provide stability and security while eating. If you're concerned about slippage, consider using denture adhesives or consulting with your dentist to adjust the fit.
  • Gum Discomfort: If you experience gum discomfort while eating, try using denture adhesives or relining your dentures for a better fit. Regular dental check-ups can also help ensure proper denture fit and oral health.
  • Taste Alteration: Dentures may initially affect your sense of taste, but this usually improves over time as you adjust to wearing them. Experiment with different foods and flavors to find what works best for you.

While learning how to eat with dentures is a process, it’s a quick one since we eat multiple times a day. Before you know it, you’ll be eating with dentures with total confidence.

Schedule a Free Consultation at Affordable Dentures & Implants Today

Schedule your free consultation and X-ray* if you’re planning your tooth replacement journey. Our dentists are prepared to answer any questions you may have about your dental health or questions about dentures and implants.

Don’t forget to ask about our financing options and payment plans for assistance in achieving the smile you truly deserve.

*Free consult and traditional X-ray at initial visit for Affordable Dentures & Implants practices that provide this special offer. Consult value is $25 and X-ray value is $105. Offer may change or end without notice.


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